My years are like my days
Passing quickly so quickly
The four little children
I escorted through childhood
With devoted love
With hope for wisdom
Are now in their fifties
When I think of this
I am grateful for them
And amazed
This past year is now
The new year
I feel deep relief
Welcome New Year
You began with rain
Serious rain
On our drought laden
And I made this vow
No resolution a vow
My attention my energies
Will reside with what is
What is kind
With love for All That Is
No exceptions
And forgiveness
For what the old year
For what the New Year
May bring
–January 2017
I’m so glad to hear your good quiet words about the raising of your children.
You raised them well.
I wish I were more able to do those powerful things in such a good and quiet way.
Gently you guide the ship.
Quietly you suggest the preferred action.
Soothingly you reward the design of a job well done.
Your daughter ,Dina, has a fire in her belly that won’t be extinguished, mamma Wendy.
You must have given her her head, like the good horse whisperer I think you must have been.
First mother, then poet, then mother again. And always the lover of peace and maker of words to live by.
Thank you Wendy Blumberg.
How blessed we are to have you in our world, my world, my life.
Sari, your words touch me–deeply.
Thank you for expressing kindness, for providing support; a place of refuge are your words in this troubled world that these days has been spiked with the kind of awfulness that those of us who wish to create and “be” peace find a burdensome challenge. Your words bring light. Thank you.
Dina, it is our job as artists and writers to see to the heart of things and to report with open eyes and accepting heart the truth about our world.
I’m glad I know you. Your clear eyes and ferocious nature are like balm to me.
All will be well. Not this week, but some week. All will slowly right itself and the world will be a little better for all the havoc and turmoil we have witnessed.
We all go toward the light. And sometimes it’s a long and tortuous route.
All this horror with Mr trump is clarifying our values in ways that could not have been imagined six months ago.
All will be well. And if it is not immediately so, then it was not time for us to have our heaven. But it will come. You’ll see.
Something this good takes time. You’ll see. It will be good. Sari
Beautiful! Wonderful vows we could all take forward into the turbulent years ahead.
Your potnisg lays bare the truth
Hi Wendy, it’s possible you may have meant “my postings”……..Hard to say.
Hope all is well with your goslings. I see that Dina has achieved her goal. She’s a miracle of patience. Love, sari