Title inspired by a poem, Pal of my Heart, author unknown
given to me in the late 1970s
by Jacquelyn Fowler
“Oh Wendy
No need for fake flowers
Do hope you haven’t searched for them
I want no more
Death does not need things
It stands along”
—From a letter written by Jackie, August 1991
I say to Jackie
Tell me what I should bring you
From Santa Fe
She answers flowers
Those big paper flowers
In purple and turquoise
And the red of my old Mexican serape
So I find paper flowers
In purple and turquoise
And the red of her old Mexican serape
I find them in pink too
And I find them in yellow
Bright as field mustard
Blooming in February
On the hills of San Clemente
And I carry them home
To her
In a brown shopping bag
With Artisanos
Printed in blue on its side
Put on your concha belt
I say to her in my dream
Pull on your suede boots
We’ll go to Chichicastenango now
And buy an olla for your flowers
Or we could fly to Peru
And climb the high snow peaks
The ice peaks
Where spaceships land behind midnight
In light from quartz crystals
That reflect a trillion stars
That reflect our years
God will listen to us there
She and I know each other
Across a thousand generations
Of Seagulls
Our sons have become men
Our words turn the ocean’s breath
Into poems
While a tin angel
Rusting in the night air by her window
Sings a te deum
Amiga de mi corazón
Amiga de mi corazón
I have no more words
I have no song
But here are a few ordinary
Paper flowers
I carried home in a shopping bag
Tell Death to look the other way
Look the other way Death
When I give them
To you
*From Poets are the bravest, pub.date: 2001