I want to tell you
A dream I had
In the darkest part
Of night
A dream so vivid
I have to believe
It was no dream
But real
I am riding on the back
Of an untethered horse
I too untethered
No saddle no stirrups
No reins
Come between us
As my hands hold to her mane
My knees pressed against
The shine of the hair
On her sides
Oh I would ride free
I call to the wind
On the back of this
Untethered horse
My soul my spirit
As free as she
Galloping on the sunlit shore
With an endless sea
Behind her
Then Beloveds
I wake filled with joy
Feel my spirit speak
Hear words
From my soul
Telling me
The untethered horse
Is my horse
She is God’s love
For me
My freedom
I can ride untethered
Free forever
All I must do
Is let go
Drain pools of negativity
Collected through years
Of judgmental thoughts
Judgmental words spoken aloud
Deep pain from shame
From guilt
For things that were done
Not done
Neglected forgotten
By me
Let them pass
Through my consciousness
Like water through a sieve
Let go let them go
Unto God
–Inspired by the book, The Untethered Soul, by Michael Singer
That is so beautifuly true. I loved both your stories on Big Blue. So many memories for me. When we has a full ride, I would be in the very back between the 3rd seat and the window. That would never be allowed today. We did so many fun things. I remember you guys took me to magic mountain when I found out I was going to have a hernia operation. So nice of you to include me. We went to Dodger games at the spur of the moment. Concerts. I rode in Big Blue while you taught Dan, Ron, Dina and Andy to drive. I did not know Lucky and Poochie flew!!!! That is hilarious!!!! I am so lucky to be part of your family. I got very sad to see Big Blue got tossed into a junk yard, but not much you can do. It’s also nice to see how well your grand children are doing. It must be exciting for you to see them all grow up. I thing social media is so neat because it allows me to keep tabs on what the people are really love and care about are up too!
Another good one, Wendy. Thank you…….Sari xxoo