Listening In & Missing You



Listening In


Where I am now

There is soft chirping

From small birds


Out my open window

I listen to them

Hear their conversations

Like the ebb and flow

Of human voices

Around a dinner table

It feels somewhat like

I am eavesdropping

On their privacy

But I do not understand

Their language

Have no idea

What is being discussed

So what can it matter

Anyway                              –2013


Missing You

It is in another time

Another place

I hear mocking birds


As they claim their territories

In the mating months

Of February and March

Our Southern California spring


Each bird owns their own


Of rhythm     trills     melodies

Culled from the sounds

Of other birds

Their songs resonating like bells

From hillsides around my house



I remember wonderment

Remember my joy

To hear a mocking bird


In the silence of midnight

Moon music     I call it

A lullaby into sleep                         –2013-2014


*photo image found on Pinterest