In Memory of Love on the Road * Stephen’s 86th Birthday

August 6, 2021

Stephen’s 86th Birthday Donut











For me

Our drive from home

In California

To our home in

Santa Fe New Mexico

Was magical

I had you     my beloved

All to myself

No telephone ringing

With calls for you

From anyone

No TV voices

To turn off

Only us     just us

In the quiet of our


Driving at times

Many miles

In intimate silence


Do you remember

My very dear

The Italian restaurant

In Holbrook Arizona

Where for years

We spent the night

This restaurant

On the outskirts of town

Served astonishingly delicious



Motels crowded the area

A gas station

Close to the entrance

Of the Interstate

Where you would

Fill our tank

Before dinner

So we could leave


While still dark

To drive east

Toward Albuquerque

The sky growing lighter


Eating peanut butter


As the sun rose

Over the Interstate

Day had begun


Of course

Fall always arrived

Aspen leaves

Turned the mountains

To gold

Time for us

To drive home again

To California


My favorite place

To stop

As we drove west

Into the setting sun

Was Casa Grande

Arizona again

A friendly man

How we met     a mystery

I do not remember


He told us

He and his family

Owned a restaurant

We should come for


And we did

It had a cozy


And delicious food

A huge old tree

That has stood

For at least a

Hundred years

Was the guardian

Of the front yard

And the family’s


We went back and


At least four years

On the way home

And then

The tree fell down

The restaurant lost its



And us

We grieved the loss

Knew it wouldn’t be


Drove up and down

The road that led into

Casa Grande

Among the motels

Gas stations

McDonald’s and other

Fast food places

Until we found “Millie’s”

It didn’t have a

Huge old tree

It wasn’t very cozy

The food was OK

But as the saying goes

We made do


My dear Love

For twenty-five years

You drove 900 miles

Each way

From California

To New Mexico

From New Mexico


To California

It was a magical time

For me

Being together with


I thank you     thank you

For the ride


I love you forever and ever

Happy Birthday

Santa Fe, 1986


Only Love

Only Love

Enfolds this memory

Nothing else needed

Just the fields

With the rows of ripened


Fields of gold


It is early afternoon

We are on a drive

Into what we call

The county

My little boy

Sits next to me

In his car seat

Looking out the


I see fields

With rows of ripened


Fields of gold

I look at my little boy’s


His hair

The same color gold

As the gold of ripened


I take the sight

Into my heart

To keep

As the years will

Surely pass



Only Love     only Love

Enfolds this memory

Nothing else



He runs down the sand dune

Slipping sliding down

Flings his fishing line over his head

A school of dolphin near the shore

Dive in and out of the water

I can’t believe it

Father wants to catch



He runs down the beach

Races with the dolphins

They play with him

Tease him

Never losing pace

His feet

Pound the shoreline

Keeping up


Far down the beach

He loses breath

Falls back

And they swim




(under)Painting by Brian McQueen

All Love for My Hero



I remember well

The beautiful young man

Standing in the front room

Of the Rodgers Park Jewish

Community Center

One June morning in


I have come there

To be a counselor

In the Center’s summer day camp

A job I’m not overly excited

About taking

Only here because a college friend

Tells me there’s an opening for a

Girl counselor     and there isn’t any

Other summer jobs I know of

To apply for

Oh yes

I walk in and there he is

Standing right smack in front

Of me

I look up into a pair of very

Blue eyes

In a face smiling down at me

With beautiful     white     even teeth

He wears a white tee shirt

The sleeves rolled up once

His arms tanned     and not bulging

With muscles     just right

I don’t remember anything else of that

Day     our first meeting

Except that first day unbeknownst

To me     is the blessed first day of

Sixty-two wonderful years     sixty of them

In marriage


Thank you God     thank you Stephen

And you beloved family

Beloved friends

For blessing us     honoring us

By coming to be with us

As we celebrate our marriage

Of sixty blessed years


Thank you     Thank you     Thank you


Love is the Answer

” The Light shineth in the darkness; and the darkness apprehended it not.”  —The Bible–ASV:  John 1:5
I made an intent
To myself
It came from Spirit
From my soul
I do not watch
The news
Do not hear
Do not see
Rained upon
Blood spilled from
Who have done no harm
To anyone
But an email
Creeps onto my screen
I read it before
Realizing its contents
My bewilderment turns to
Bleeds through my
Into the core of my


From where I am
I no longer ask
Why     Why
Does it keep happening
I no longer
How a human being
Can inflict harm
Take life
From a fellow being
Even a child


I have no answers
Never did
I have no power
To stop these acts
But in faith
I ask
Can you love
Deep enough     strongly
To send your love
To everyone     everywhere
In our world
No matter who they
Can we try
Can you     can I


“Love is the answer
To every question” *
Love     Love     Loving
For me
Our Path to Peace
*"A course in Miracles"
photo credit

Poem For Our Fifty-Eighth Wedding Anniversary


June 17, 2014

Here we are
My Love
At the very edge
Of our fifty-eight years
Of married life
Ready to step through
The wide open door   
Into our fifty-ninth
Such a wondrous journey
It is
Each era of our lives
A canvas
Filled with all colors
On the spectrum
A color wheel of hues
Brilliant   vibrant   penetrating
Every minute   every hour
Every breath   every heartbeat
Seldom dimmed
Oh the gratitude
We feel
The blessings Spirit
Gives to us
Like grains of pure
White sugar sand
Too numerous to count
But name them we do
Our prayers of thankfulness
Hold them close
And you   my Love
Allow me to find
My truth
Of who I am
Accepting me
As I am
As I do you
Our love grew
While we grew
Truly children
When we began
We are like the Rose Garden
In full bloom
We pass on our way
To dinner
In the Monterey dining
Every flower
Beautiful   perfect
Unique on its own
Together   together
They are the garden
The Rose Garden
In all its splendor